Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why Must I Change My Email Address on My Resume?

By Randi S. Lewis
Founder, Resume Boutique LLC

Throughout the years, we have job seekers to change their email addresses where the addresses may lead an employer to question their professionalism or maturity.  This simple suggestion has been met with almost universal resistance because people are wedded to their email addresses.  Typically, it's the name before the @ that is the problem, such as:  "mikeysmith" (suggests lack of maturity) or "beergal69" (suggests lack of professionalism) that should be changed.  In other circumstances the questionable email address includes the email provider too.  Consider this email address:  "[any name or initial]"  You don't want the employer wondering why you have that email address instead of considering your qualifications to fit the job. 

It is so important to keep your contact information professional that we offer this suggestion: 

Keep your personal email separate from your job search email.  Simply open a free email account like "gmail" and use your gmail address for all employment-related communications.