Interviewing is a learned skill. And the more you interview, the more skilled you become. When we work with professionals and students on interviewing skills, we tailor each session to the individual and the job focus. But, there are some universal do’s and don’ts that every job seeker should learn. If you remember nothing more, remember these simple A B C’s of interviewing:
- A = Appear professional. Dress in a conservative, dark suit.
- B = Be prepared. Research the company and interviewers.
- C = Communicate confidently your qualifications & interest.
- It is of the utmost of importance that you look clean, crisp, and professional. Make sure you have showered, brushed your teeth, and that you are well-groomed. When in doubt, dress up. Wear a suit. It shows respect.
- Men, wear dark suits with a white or light blue shirt and a conservative tie.
- Women, wear a dark knee-length suit (not pants) with a light blouse or a dark dress with closed toe shoes and pantyhose.
- No Distractions. The Focus is on YOU. Do not wear heavy cologne or perfume because your interviewer may be allergic to it or find it unappealing. Lose the nose ring, the purple hair, the black nail polish, and the short skirts. Lose the bow tie, the tattered shoes, and the polyester suit.
- First Impressions Are Hard To Break. For each interviewer you meet, extend your hand, shake hands firmly, introduce yourself, smile, and look the interviewer in the eye. That’s a great start. Maintain good eye contact throughout the interview.
You should prepare for each interview as if you were studying for an exam. Find the company on the internet and study the site. Learn what is important to the company and how it positions itself. Find commonalities between the company’s philosophy and yours.
The Interview.
Take Your Cues From The Interviewer. Check you audience. Don’t talk too much, too fast, or too slow. Don’t answer in one or two word answers. Weaver your prepared strengths into the conversation. Talk about commonalities between the company’s needs and your experience.For more detailed information about interviewing, you can contact Randi Lewis at 410-602-2500 or by email at info@resumeboutique.com. © Resume Boutique LLC™ 2006. All rights reserved. http://www.resumeboutique.com/