Friday, August 31, 2007

Summer Associate Tips for Law Students - What to do if You Don't Get An Offer

By Randi Lewis
You were lucky enough to be among the 20% of your law school class who worked in an Am Law 250 law firm as a summer associate. You may have worked hard. You may have partied too much and failed to take the summer program seriously. What happens after you complete your summer program?
You might have a sense as to whether the law firm will ask you to return. But you can't be sure until you hear it directly from the hiring partner.
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So what do you do if you believe, based upon a series of less than stellar reviews, or if you were told off the record, that you won't be receiving an offer? Here are a few thoughts:
  • If you are relatively certain you will not get an offer, touch base informally with one of the recruitment professionals and float the idea of withdrawing your name from consideration because [you want to work in a different city OR you want to try a different law firm OR you want to work in government or a non-profit].
  • If you are told about not getting an offer before you withdraw your name, you may want to ask if the firm would permit you to withdraw your name from consideration so you can maximize your chances of getting an offer from another firm.
  • Whether or not you withdraw your name, you must determine how you can get a good reference from the firm. Ask your recruitment professional about the protocol. You also could talk with a lawyer in the firm for whom you believe you did good work and ask if he/she will serve as a reference.

For more resume and interview tips, contact Randi S. Lewis, Founder, Resume Boutique LLC ~ 410.602.2500. ~

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