Facebook ~ A Means of Expression and Connection ~ But Who's Looking?
It's fun connecting with your friends on Facebook - sharing photos; videos; posting what you are doing and how you are feeling at a given moment. And, yes, there is a big BUT! But guess who is looking at your musings: POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS. Increasingly more employers are searching Facebook postings as reference tools. Facebook is becoming the third reference tool, a modern day adjunct to the Credit Report and the Criminal Background Check. Below are a few absolutes that you should consider well before you are looking for a job.
College students & younger professionals, read on.
- Carefully review everything posted on your Facebook page including postings by others.
- Remove postings by others that may be funny to you (inside jokes) but could be perceived as immature or unsophisticated by employers.
- Remove all photos and videos of yourself and others that are at all sexy or seductive (no low cut tops for girls; no bare chests for boys).
- Remove all photos and videos of yourself and others that show excessive partying or the use of alcohol.
- Remove all other photos and videos of yourself and others that depict anything that might offend your parents or their friends.
- Remove all content (words) that contain foul or unsophisticated language.
- Stop writing what you are doing or feeling at any moment (i.e., "Dave is hungover and not going to classes today"; or "This new Facebook layout sucks!").
- When in doubt, take it out!
Randi S. Lewis Founder, Resume Boutique LLC ~ 410.602.2500 http://www.resumeboutique.com/ ~ info@resumeboutique.com
© Resume Boutique LLC 2008. All rights reserved.
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