Thursday, September 30, 2010

After The Interview - Three Tips For Thank You Notes & Emails

After your interview for a job you would consider taking, we recommned you send a brief thank you note - either by email or U.S. mail.  If immediacy is a concern, use email.  If not, either means of communication is acceptable in most circumstances.  Use your judgment.  Here a are three simple tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keep it short to one paragraph or two.
  2. Make it about the interviewer or the employer, not yourself.
    For example, don't say how much you enjoyed talking about yourself and your accomplishments.  Instead, discuss that you enjoyed learning more about something related to the business, the position, or the interviewer's career.
  3. If you are truly interested in the position, write why the interview confirms your interest.
If you aren't interested in the position, for whatever reason, and you have at least one other job offer you would accept, let the employer know immediately.   The employer needs to offer the position to the next person in line and would appeciate hearing from you ASAP, either to reiterate your interest, withdraw from consideration, or to accept or reject an offer.

By: Randi S. Lewis, Founder, Resume Boutique LLC.  |  410.602.2500 

© Resume Boutique LLC 2010. All Rights Reserved.

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