If you are looking for your
first j ob or for your new j ob, once you have perfected your resume, your next
step should be to build or update your LinkedIn profile and then use LinkedIn
to help facilitate your j ob
Here are four LinkedIn basics for you to consider:
Here are four LinkedIn basics for you to consider:
1. LinkedIn is a Must. If you are a college student or a
professional and do not have a LinkedIn profile, then you do not exist in
the business world. Put your concern about privacy away and sign up for
LinkedIn today.
2. Photo and Headline Are Key. The Two Most Important Things About Your LinkedIn
Profile are your Photo and the Professional Headline beside your photo and
below your name. You should add a head
shot that looks professional. You can be creative with your
headline. Use Keywords where possible.
3. Your Network - The Bigger, The Better. Grow your network. In short, the more
people with whom you are connected on LinkedIn, the more likely it is that
someone may be able to help you either by connecting you with someone in her
company or providing as a reference.
4. LinkedIn As a Recruitment Tool. Employers are increasingly using LinkedIn to
find candidates to fill j ob openings
through basic searches that cost nothing to the LinkedIn Recruiter that costs
thousands of dollars per year. One thing we suggest is to be strategic
about adding skills that are transferrable to the type of position you
seek. When describing your employment, it shouldn't be exactly like your
resume, but try to use the Keywords that are required for the new position.
For more information and suggestions about how to enhance your LinkedIn
profile, contact Randi Lewis at info@resumeboutique.com
Randi S. Lewis, Esq.,
CEIP | Resume Boutique LLC
Professional Resume
Writer - Strategic
Interview Coach - LinkedIn Profile
410.602.2500 | Cell: 410.340.3511 | info@resumeboutique.com
© Resume Boutique LLC
2013. All rights reserved.