Monday, July 01, 2013

Applying "Lean In" Lessons to Summer Legal Jobs

Last week, the Women's Network of the law firm where I work (Resume Boutique is our side business) discussed the book, "Lean In," and how the messages of Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, might apply to women lawyers at all stages of their career. 
Today, one of our male Summer Associates (law students) forwarded this link to me, calling out his favorite tip, No. 6, Focus on the firm's needs  It is an article entitled, Ten Tips Summer Associates Can Learn From Lean In, that appeared on "Ms. JD" and originally appeared in the June 24th issue of The Careerist (written by author Grover Cleveland and lawyer/Ms. JD president Katherine Larkin-Wong).
This is wise advice that applies on all fours to summer law students.  What's more all professionals might find wisdom in these ten tips.  Take a minute to click on the link above and think about how each tip could apply to your work life.


Randi S. Lewis, Esq., CEIP  |  Resume Boutique LLC
Professional Resume Writer w Strategic Interview Coach w LinkedIn Profile Writer
Office: 410.602.2500   | Cell: 410.340.3511  |
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